Tata Power Solar

RESIDUAL VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS We are the authorized supplier of TATA POWER SOLAR SYSTEMS. With the Net Metering policy in force in Maharashtra, Customers can install Solar Power Systems on their roof tops and generate electricity for their self-consumption Furthermore, the surplus can be transported to the grid in return for credit in their bills or monetized at the end of the year. So, it is a step towards Zero Electricity bills.

TATA POWER SOLAR recommends you to Go Solar here’s why In addition, we offer you
  1. Pay zero for your Electricity bill for the next 25 years.
  2. Earn from your idle roof top space.
  3. Reap accelerated depreciation benefit
  4. Get protected against tariff hikes.
  5. Invest in trusted, dependable and long lasting system.
  6. Green Power, Clean Power
  1. Site Survey to access your precise requirement
  2. Cost Benefit Analysis
  3. Best fit solar package to be installed for maximizing your benefit.
  4. Assistance for all Govt. paper work
  5. 24 x 7 customer support post installation
TATA POWER SOLAR Grid – Tie Rooftop solutions
  1. Dynamo G 1000 – 1 KVA Grid Tie solar inverter, 4 Nos Modules of 255 Wp each Bi-    directional Meter, Cables and other accessories. You generate 1500 units annually. Roof Required 100-200 Sq.ft.
  2. 2.Dynamo G 2000- 2KVA Grid Tie solar inverter, 8 Nos Modules of 250 wp each, Bi-directional Meter, Cables & other accessories. You generate 3000 units annually Roof required 200-300 Sq.ft.
  3. Dynamo G 3000- 3KVA Grid Tie solar inverter, 12 Nos Modules of 250 wp each, Bi-directional Meter, Cables & other accessories. You generate 4500 units annually If you have a Roof of 300-500 Sq.ft.
  4. Dynamo G 5000- 5KVA Grid Tie solar inverter, 20 Nos Modules of 250 wp each, Bi-directional Meter, Cables & other accessories. You generate 7500 units annually If you have a Roof of 500-700 Sq.ft.
  5. Dynamo G 7000- 7KVA Grid Tie solar inverter, 28 Nos Modules of 255 wp each, Bi-directional Meter, Cables & other accessories. You generate 10,500 units annually If you have a Roof of 700-1000 Sq.ft.
  6. Dynamo G 10000- 10KVA Grid Tie solar inverter, 40 Nos Modules of 250 wp each, Bi-directional Meter, Cables & other accessories. You generate 15,000 units annually If you have a Roof of 1000 Sq.ft. You save annually 1,20,000 approximately.
  1. Trusted Partner with 25 years solar experience – TPS is India’s largest integrated solar company with 25 years’ experience and globally recognized for excellence.
  2. Dependable, Reliable long lasting system- TPS gives 25 years warranty on solar modules ensuring longevity of the system. TPS modules have warranty claims of less than .07% over two decades.
  3. TPS is recognized as the best in Solar industry. Its solutions are best in class with state of the art technology and undergo stringent quality process.
  4. Hassle Free Quick Installation- TPS provide site survey to access your precise requirement and install best fit solution for maximizing your benefit.
  5. Efficient and Effective Customers Support – We ensure 24 x 7 customers support post installation providing your complete peace of mind.


Solar Modules or Panels refers to set of photovoltaic (PV) modules that convert Solar energy in to direct Current (DC)
TATA POWER SOLAR MODULES are manufactured with highest standards of quality and are engineered to be highly efficient, robust, rugged and cost effective .
  • Module production line using world class processes.
  • Greater Energy Generated due to positive power tolerance of up to 5 W
  • Structure designed to withstand 150 kmps wind pressure
  • GI coated corrosion free structure
  • TUV & UL Certified potential induced degradation free modules.
  • Reliability under extreme weather conditions.
Tata Power Solar Grid-Tie Rooftop Systems
A grid-tie solar rooftop is a photovoltaic (PV) System that has its electricity generating Solar modules (Panels) mounted on the rooftop of a residential or a commercial building. The system converts solar electric (PV) power into utility grade electricity. The electricity can be used to run all kinds of electrical appliances and any excess generated can be transmitted back to the power grid. For the system to operate, the solar grid –tie inverter must have grid power available and connected. Advance state-of-art electronics embedded inside the inverter ensure that maximum PV power is converted to electricity and delivered for consumption or transmission to the power grid.
Tata Power Solar Grid Tie Inverter
A Solar grid-tie inverter converts the variable direct current (DC) output of a photovoltaic (PV) solar module into utility grade electricity that can be fed into a power grid or used by a local electrical network. It ensure a stable DC output and provides maximum power point tracking to get maximum possible power from the solar modules.
Salient Features:
  • Efficiency of over 97% and wide input voltage range.
  • IP-65,evirontmental protection rating, can withstand extreme weather conditions.
  • Certified IP21 PCU enclosure for indoor use.
  • Remote monitoring system with Ethernet/ RF technology/wifi.
  • Inbuilt anti-islanding feature .
  • LCD display.
  • All pole fault current monitoring and ground fault monitoring features.
  • VDE/Golden Sun/IEC certified.
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